Blogpost 17 - the Lake and Mountain series

 Except for the first three, these were all taken on the drive from San Martin to Angostura today. 

There was not a cloud in the sky today and it actually got quite hot. Changed my thick jersey for a tee shirt. The first time since we reached Patagonia.

We cross back into Chile tomorrow. We are on countdown now. Not sure whether I’m happy or sad about this. We have had a great time but home is home and you can’t beat it.

We passed through the view pull off area again today where we first met this friendly face and he was still there. We made morning tea in the back of the car and I’m sure he would have helped himself if we had not shut the door


  1. Love that bird!! He has character written all over him!
    Off to buy a very large ham this week - will be thinking of you, Gaye!!


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